Big Bear Bald Eagle Nest / California (Live Cam)
A pair here are trying to hatch eggs in a ton of snow.... The female (Jackie) is the primary brooder, choosing to stay for most of the hours..... The male (Shadow) brings her fish. She has been neck deep in the white stuff for a couple days now, with a blizzard scheduled for tonight and tomorrow. To me, she looks super cold and miserable. But the experts there assure that she is extremely well insulated with almost 8000 feathers, and quite cozy, as are her eggs! She has had plenty to eat, and at present a huge piece of fish lies beneath the snow on the edge of the nest.
Here is the link:
Royal Albatross Nest / New Zealand (Live Cam)
The cam here focuses on a hillside on an island off southern New Zealand. The slopes are dotted with Albatross nests, most of which now contain a growing chick! The cam highlights one nest in particular, and a vast source of information can be read under the video.
Here is the link:
Leucistic Red Tailed Hawk Nest (RTH) / Tennessee (New Live Cam)
This is a very exiciting site, with 2 cams and PTZ capabilities. Angel is a leucistic bird..... Mostly white, with some markings on her head, tail and wingtips. She is not albino, but close! Her mate, Tom is a normal colored RTH. They are nest building now (Early March) and will mate and lay eggs soon, we hope! This site is presented by Connor at Windows to Wildlife, who also handles the osprey and eagle nests at Captiva Island. Well worth the trip, check it out!
Here is the link:
Side Cam PTZ