Protecting South Australia's Ospreys
Friends of Osprey is a South Australian conservation group focused on protecting and growing the population of Osprey in South Australia. Visit the website at
They are an exceptional group of volunteers dedicated to the reintroduction of the eastern osprey to South Australia.
This is a nest on a barge in Port Lincoln South Australia. It is at the entrance to the Lincoln Cove Marina and is 1.25m by 1.5m.
It can be viewed year around from their youtube channel:
For extensive history and observation board for the PLO nest. (Courtsey of very dedicated volunteer Bart Molenaar)
2023 season has been a successful year.
3 eggs resulting in 2 hatches and to date 1 fledging (2nd fledge any time now)
Please see a wonderful video below from a viewer Mary Ann Steggles as the eldest chick fledges :-D
University of Oregon School of Law Osprey Nest
(Because this nest has no chat, all interested watchers have been invited to chat freely about that site on the Seaside chat)
Here is the link:
The Independence Hotel started the osprey live stream in 2020:
The nest on the banks of the Willamette River adjacent to Riverview Park was frequented by the long term resident osprey couple Olga and Ollie (named by the community).
Ollie went missing for 3 days on Saturday May 23rd, 2020, Olga abandoned their attempts to raise a family for that season. , and without a worthy male this was impossible.
Olga returned in 2021, but did not accept a new partner.
In 2022,
.We shall see what happens in 2023. Could be a new couple of osprey for this season.
Here is the link:
The nest gets anti-eagle guards!
Last season, tragically, all three young osplets were snatched from this nest by eagles in SW Washington state, one right after the other within 24hrs. As I recall they were more than half grown, and fully feathered, about the age where we stop worrying so much about them. Then this spring, watchers noticed at least twice an eagle was sitting on this nest, an ominous omen for any chicks there this season. However, on Wednesday March 22nd, workmen were seen with power tools working on the nest, and it was discovered that they installed some vertical screens on the sides of the nest box, making it impossible (or at least extremely difficult) for the eagles to swoop in over the nest and snatch chicks! Now there is hope, once again, for a successful season at Cowlitz! (Because Cowlitz has no chat, all interested watchers have been invited to chat freely about that site on the Seaside chat)
The pair at Cowlitz are called Electra and Wattsworth.
Here is the link:
Side Cam
Please see their videos on their youtube channel.
Other Videos from Season:
The nest has a new pair for 2023
This season began in turmoil.... Former female Lena returned, but Andy, her mate, did not. As she began to show interest in other males, one in particular dubbed Romeo, the violent hurricane Ian hit squarely on the island, destroying the nest and knocking the pole to the ground. Romeo left the area first, and Lena flew off as the storm gathered strength. After the storm, Lena returned to the area, and as the nest was hurriedly reconstructed, she waited patiently.... As soon as the new nest was up, she claimed it, and began to arrange the sticks! Unfortunately, in time, the surrounding waters became toxic with red algae, and most of the birds ended up leaving the area for better fishing... including Lena.
Finally, as the Red Tide abated, a new pair began to establish themselves on the nest.... Mabel and Angus. All was going very well, lots of fish gifts and matings, and watchers were starting to look for that first egg. But other intruders, liking the looks of this real estate, began to incessantly hassle the pair, including one very strong and persistent female, who finally succeeded in routing Mabel off the nest. Angus did not take to her at all, in early days, but she persisted, and finally won him over. They are now fully committed to this nest, have begun mating, she was named Florence, and...... well, we shall see what happens next!
Here is the link: