Saturday 24 February Gilliath last seen on the barge at 130 days old
Sunday 25 February Bradley last seen on the barge at 129 days old

Friday 22 December Bradley Fledges
Saturday 16 December Giliath Fledges

Tuesday 12 December The chicks have been banded. Giliath has a White and Pink band, weight: 1445 gr. Bradley a Red and Pink Band, weight: 1390 gr.
Both are males and Giliath got the tracker tracker maps

Wed 25 Oct 14:51 The third egg is removed from the nest as it is not viable
Thu 19 Oct 04:20 The second chick has hatched
Tue 17 Oct 20:39 The first chick has hatched (the #2 egg). Its name is Giliath

Tue 12 Sep 06:46 Third egg of the season
Sat 09 Sep 05:55 Second egg of the season
Wed 06 Sep 03:58 First egg of the season

Photos of the eggs (and more of this season) are here:

Also weekly summary videos on Youtube on the playlist 'Port Lincoln Season 23-24

Estimated windows: 
The following dates just give a wild guess at the window, based on previous years)

Banding window: 11 or 12 December (53 days after hatch)

Fledge Window 14 december (60 days after hatch) - 25 December (65 days after hatch)
Note that fledging is quite late compared to migratory nests as there is no deadline for them here to move on.