Port Lincoln Osprey 

Protecting South Australia's Ospreys

Friends of Osprey is a South Australian conservation group focused on protecting and growing the population of Osprey in South Australia.

Visit the website at https://friendsofosprey.com.au

If you want to help with the funding of the Port Lincoln Osprey please use this Paypal Link to donate.
It will lead you to Janette Forsters personal account, specifically set up for donating to Port Lincoln Osprey.

This is a nest on a barge in Port Lincoln South Australia. It is at the entrance to the Lincoln Cove Marina and is 1.25m by 1.5m.

The barge

The Ospreys have been nesting here prior to us purchasing the barge in 2015. We moved the nest from another barge to this current barge as it is higher out of the water and more stable. We then installed a security camera and solar panels so that we can watch the nest 24/7.

Our Osprey don't migrate, and we don't have problems with predators, but in the past, we have had lots of siblicide and yet there was always plenty of fish being delivered.


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