When will Maya and Blue 33(11) return
Based on the average return dates of the past 5 years, the estimated return is 16 March 2025 (Maya) and 17 March (Blue 33(11))
For Maya :
Based on the average return dates of the past 5 years, the estimated return is 16 March 2025 (Maya) and 17 March (Blue 33(11))
For Maya :
Today 5 May 2024, Maya removed an egg from the nest. It was probably not viable, but it's unknown yet why she removed it.
In the video we see Maya get up the day before, just when she sat on the eggs.. looking at it from the edge of the nest, maybe she already felt something.
Then this morning at 10:51 we see her picking up the egg shell and fly off with it to the trees, she returns 2 minutes later and starts incubating the other eggs.
An osprey is seen diving in the bay.
Based on the lack of reaction in Maya it might very well be 33 (and not on of the intruders that has been hanging around the past few days)
From facebook (with permission) photo by Jane
After being out fishing since 5pm, 33 has just brought a fish back. He is currently sitting on the fallen poplars eating it.
Then a after 33 brought it to the nest, maya eating it: