When will Maya and Blue 33(11) return
Based on the average return dates of the past 5 years, the estimated return is 16 March 2025 (Maya) and 17 March (Blue 33(11))
For Maya :
Based on the average return dates of the past 5 years, the estimated return is 16 March 2025 (Maya) and 17 March (Blue 33(11))
For Maya :
Nice attempt by #2, with a little jump
And #1 a little later in the afternoon
33 brought a tiny fish.. and landed on the opposite side of where Maya was. The kids, getting bigger and bigger, make it difficult to reach 33, especially since they have been practicing a bit with self feeding and are crowding 33 to maybe take it directly from him..
So Maya circumvents the children.. and at the moment she reaches 33 he hovers over the kids to the other side of the nest.. without a fish! Maya has to move over to the other side again and finally gets the fish.. but how.. I missed it at first.. at the end of the video you can see what is happening:
(And if you caught it the first time: Kudos to you! But it's still funny to watch Maya walk to the other side)
After a very, very, short feeding for #1 (with #2 standing by) #2 isn't really satisfied by the outcome... so starts eating from the fish itself.
Not the first time, but this was the first good attempt to get some bites from the fish.
Well Done #2!!