When will Maya and Blue 33(11) return
Based on the average return dates of the past 5 years, the estimated return is 16 March 2025 (Maya) and 17 March (Blue 33(11))
For Maya :
Based on the average return dates of the past 5 years, the estimated return is 16 March 2025 (Maya) and 17 March (Blue 33(11))
For Maya :
3H4 got the first go at the big fish 33 brought. After eating the head off, he left with it.
Moments later he's seen losing the fish in the bay. He tries to get it back out of the water, but unsuccessfully.
33 brings yesterday's fish to the nest, where 3H3 and 3H5 have been waiting all morning for fish.. a short spat occurs when 3H3 wants to take the fish from 3H5