When will Maya and Blue 33(11) return
Based on the average return dates of the past 5 years, the estimated return is 16 March 2025 (Maya) and 17 March (Blue 33(11))
For Maya :
Based on the average return dates of the past 5 years, the estimated return is 16 March 2025 (Maya) and 17 March (Blue 33(11))
For Maya :
An unringed female arrives at Manton Bay.. Is it Maya? Yes!! She has returned!!
Blue 33(11) brought a big fish, but decides to leave..
The females start fighting a bit with Maya being divebombed by 25, but it last for only a few minutes.
33 is not totally committed to Maya yet, as he returns with a fish and Maya joins him. He mantles a bit and then leaves as Maya tries to take the fish..
12 minutes later he comes back with the fish and Maya is allowed to take it, she leaves with it.. It's big enough to get her energies back from the long trip home!
So happy to see both of them back on the nest
At 11:55 this morning blue 25 arrives on the nest with 33 close behind. and after some tense moments they start bonding... and even a few mating attempts.
Maya better return quickly!!
Blue 33 started early this morning rebuilding the nest, bringing stick after stick and cleaning up home for maya to be proud of.
From just before 6 am until late afternoon the nest is transformed from a barren place to a nest with some green (moss) sticks