When will Maya and Blue 33(11) return
Based on the average return dates of the past 5 years, the estimated return is 16 March 2025 (Maya) and 17 March (Blue 33(11))
For Maya :
Based on the average return dates of the past 5 years, the estimated return is 16 March 2025 (Maya) and 17 March (Blue 33(11))
For Maya :
I've made a video, taking 10 seconds of each day from the moment 1R0 hatched, until the day he was last seen.
Enjoy :-)
Maya is focused on eating her fish.. when 1R0 lands behind her and Maya takes a jump totally surprised by him
14:11 33 brings a seemingly dead trout
14:11 Maya starts eating the head, dragging it across the nest. She is in the view but she gives pieces to the chick. Then the fish starts to move, while Maya is still feeding the chick. She stops the feed 14:19, the fish beside little bob Then the fish flips on top of the chick...
14:21 The chick was flipped to the side of the nest when the fish suddenly flops and the chick gets stuck behind a stick.
33 comes down from the perch and takes the fish away.
The chick is now lying on the right of the nest, still a bit stunned.
Maya goes back on the egg 14:24, seemingly not aware of the chick on the side of the nest (which is quite normal).
14:25 The chick lifts its head, then crawls along the nest edge.. there is a stick between it and the nest bowl.
Maya rushes off 14:26, 33 returns with the fish, looking alert over the water, and up.
He hovers over the egg, even does an egg roll, them Maya returns 14:30 and settles on the egg, while 33 leaves the nest.
The little chick is seen looking over the stick, not able to get to the nestbowl. Then moves a bit to the side.
14:43 The chick tries to get back to the nestbowl, and it lays its head on top of the stick
15:24 Maya leaves the nest, and the camera is switched off, as Rutland Osprey project rescues the chick from the awkward position it is in. THANK YOU!!
15:57 The cam is switched on again, both the chick and the egg visible in the nestbowl. Maya returns and settles on them. All is well again
The title might suggest first time brooding this year.. but I haven't seen it happening the past 3 years watching.. and apparently hearing from watchers that have been around a lot longer.. this is the first time ever!
Ofc.. it might be that he thought incubating the egg was okay by Maya.. (who was eating her fish in the trees on the shore)